Archive Monthly Archives: October 2018

Day Two of BJJ Training

Did you survive your first day of training? How was it?

Many people walk away from their first day of training somewhat bewildered. There was so much to learn, and it felt like drinking from a fire hose. It’s made even more challenging if you’re a little out of shape.

If that sounds like you, don’t worry about it! It will get better. This article is going to help prepare you for day two of training and make sure you continue down the right path.

Day two of training should focus on two things: people and drills. Let’s explore these two a little further starting with the people focus.

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Why You Should Take Notes After BJJ Training

Did you take notes in school? I’m guessing you answered “yes”. If you answered “no”, I imagine school was very difficult for you. The reason why is because it’s hard to learn anything but the simplest of tasks without jotting down a few notes.

You see, taking notes is an essential tool for everyone trying to learn something new.

Taking notes isn’t just for the classroom. It's an essential part of your BJJ training. There are at least three great reasons why you should absolutely be taking notes or logging your BJJ training. Let’s explore these reasons starting with number 3 on the list, remembering more of your training session.

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