Archive Monthly Archives: November 2018

Why Choking with One Hand is Better

One-handed chokes are superior.

There are many reasons why this is true, but the three I’ll detail in this article are enough to make any submission grappler reconsider a preference for two-handed chokes.

One-handed chokes in action. Some examples in sparring sessions and in competition.

Let’s kick things off with reason #3.

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Training BJJ While Sick

You wake up in the morning with a tickle in the back of your throat. You’re a little congested and you have a slight headache.

What’s going on here? 

Maybe it’s allergies. Perhaps you slept with your mouth wide open and you’re a little dehydrated. Who knows.

bloodshot eyes

Jiu Jitsu... I can't miss class...

You go about your day and things don’t get any better. You took some allergy medication, drank plenty of water, and even took a nap. But, nothing seemed to help.


This will probably fix it.

BJJ class is tonight and it’s all you’re thinking about. There’s no way you’re letting a stupid little cold stop you from training – you’re tougher than that. You can’t let little setbacks like this stop you from training, can you?

The scenario above is something many of us go through. We get a cold (or worse) and we imagine ourselves toughing it out through training because we don’t want to miss any training. That’s dedication, right?

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