Why You Should Take Notes After BJJ Training
Did you take notes in school? I’m guessing you answered “yes”. If you answered “no”, I imagine school was very difficult for you. The reason why is because it’s hard to learn anything but the simplest of tasks without jotting down a few notes.
You see, taking notes is an essential tool for everyone trying to learn something new.
Taking notes isn’t just for the classroom. It's an essential part of your BJJ training. There are at least three great reasons why you should absolutely be taking notes or logging your BJJ training. Let’s explore these reasons starting with number 3 on the list, remembering more of your training session.
3 – Remember more of your training session
Do you remember exactly what techniques you trained last week? What about last month?
Probably not. Without a journal, I barely remember what I trained last night. That's why I take notes to make a record of all my training sessions.
I make a log entry after every class and it really helps me retain the techniques I covered. I also go back to my journal entries periodically to review my entries. It doesn’t take much time but it really pays dividends in helping me remember more.
2 – Never forget an important date
Do you remember what date you got your blue belt? Exactly how long have you been a purple belt? When did you win that big tournament in Long Beach? Hmmm... good question - let me think about that.
Never forget a date again. A good BJJ journal keeps track of all your training sessions, promotions, and competitions. This makes it easy to find the dates and details for every important date in your BJJ career. Training BJJ is an enormous commitment in time and effort. Why not take a small amount of time to record the details of the important events along the way?
1 – Improve faster
You spend hours on the mat training your body and drilling techniques - why not take a few extra minutes after class to capture the most important aspects of that session?
The simple act of making a BJJ journal entry will help you remember more and remind you of what you need to work on next. This is going to help you advance faster. Who doesn’t want to get better faster?
There you have it - the top three reasons you should be taking notes after BJJ training. There are many more reasons to do it, but these three alone should be enough to convince anyone that trains and really wants to improve.
Logging BJJ training sessions is important enough to me that I developed an iOS app: BJJ Logbook. The app makes it easy to take notes after every training session, competition, or promotion. It keeps track of your hours trained and produces stats to let you know how you’re progressing.
One of the coolest features is the fact that it saves your training sessions in the cloud. This means that you can use multiple devices to make and view journal entries. I usually make my log entry immediately after training on my iPhone. Later, when I get home, I pull up the log entry on my iPad for easier reading. And when I get a new iOS device, I simply log in and all my data is there.
I created the app with a small team of BJJ enthusiasts. We’re making it available FREE to you and everyone else that trains Jiu Jitsu. Download the app and start logging your training; you’ll be glad you did!