In an ideal world, we're always winning and always on top - but this isn't an ideal world. Everyone that trains Jiu Jitsu faces adversity. We all need to learn how to deal with it and overcome it. That's where the "BJJ Hierarchy of Needs" comes in. The model is simple - make sure your lower needs are met prior to advancing up the ladder!
This hierarchy has similarities with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – there are five levels in both and needs at lower levels should be met prior to needs at higher levels. Unlike Maslow’s hierarchy, the BJJ hierarchy of needs is a prescriptive approach to BJJ and submission grappling.
The BJJ Hierarchy of Needs (HON) is useful at every stage of a BJJ match in describing what you need to do next, based upon what need is not being totally met. If a need is already being met, move on to meeting the next higher need. Keep reading to see more about how to use the HON model; we’ll go through it need by need to detail how to successfully use it.